Big Gene's Bait Camp

Dilapidated apartment on Clear Lake. One old man and his master, Krispy the Cat. Photos of Galveston Bay from Seabrook Flats at various times, and also Clear Lake.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Getting Ready for Rita

Spent yesterday and today working and dealing with the biggest damn mess I've ever seen, trying to evacuate Harris and Galveston Co. Some of those people hadn't been to town in several years I think, if ever. Finally managed to get a little of my own stuff done, computers up off the floor, get supplies, etc. Watching the storm projections closely, but am concerned that since the politicians can't control the weather they just control the weather forecast. Cat decided to leave home last night, and since he mooches all over the neighborhood, I figured he had just hitched a ride and evacuated, but he showed back up a while ago looking for food and water. Reports from several friends who decided to leave indicated they are averaging around 10 mph, and best I can tell, there is no gas anywhere within a 60-80 mile radius of Houston, so many are just running out of gas and not getting anywhere. A few at the store said they gave up and used what gas they had left to return home. Figure I'm safer here than I am out on the highway with the loonie birds, so unless it looks like a direct hit, guess I'll stay put. Will put up pictures from time to time - before and after sort of stuff. More later.


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