No News is Good News
Looks like if may finally be drying up down here. Think we had over 30" of rain so far in July which didn't set any records, but they didn't take into consideration that we haven't had any hurricanes or tropical storms to add to the totals yet. I just don't know what to do with this global warming bearing down on us like it is. Here we are nearing the end of July in Houston, Texas and already the temperature has gotten above 80 degrees a few times. Some say it may get to 90 before the summer is over - what's this world coming to. And all that melted artic ice has been dropped on Texas this summer I think. I heard that even the hill country is nice and green and holding plenty of game. All highland lakes are full, and fish are going crazy. This global warming bonanza has just got to stop - it's destroying the Democrats game plan about famine and pestulance - we just can't have a garden of eden, even if that's what it looks like. Unbelievable. I'm just getting older every day and more sore, but nothing else to report for now. More later.
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