Well, it's Halloween nite here at the Baitcamp. Kitty and I are stocked up with candy waiting for the young goblins to ring the bell, and in the interim, scanning a few Blogs. Never a week goes by without taking a look at http://iowahawk.typepad.com/iowahawk/, and am once again blown away by the way this guy can write. Pick any style, pick any story or current event, and in nothing flat you'll be laughing so hard you might get a hernia.
On another front, I've just about given up on the Chupacabra business. You may recall that I had originally planned to have them available to cater to a certain female who was a shoe-in as Democrat nominee to the White House. After that plan blew up due to lax oversight while checking all the woodpiles, I began a re-education effort designed more toward longer end of the light spectrum, if you know what I mean. Unfortunately for me, I was very late to discover that the Chupacabra and the Almost President Elect Blessed Father are not too distant relatives. In fact, research shows that the Chupacabra evolved from the lower species (Obamania crapusspker) as recently as the past 2000 years. Earlier forms of the crapusspker were noted in African digs prior to the 17th century, but with the advent of the sailing ship and the trade developing between US and Africa, the species escaped its native homeland and spread its evil spores across the world. Since the higher forms such as the Chupacabra have showed up, their development has been stunted due to fear and myths about their destructive behavious, but lo and behold, would you believe that they will not attack their biological relatives, even those ranking lower on the evolution scale. Oh well, back to the drawing board as soon as I complete my re-education training.
Speaking of re-education training, I am trying to get that over the internet or on CD or something, but it looks like I'm going to have to serve at least some "on campus" time. Guess it's about time somebody decided to try to set my mind straight once and for all.