Big Gene's Bait Camp

Dilapidated apartment on Clear Lake. One old man and his master, Krispy the Cat. Photos of Galveston Bay from Seabrook Flats at various times, and also Clear Lake.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


While the press is sleeping, a new tropical storm has formed just south of New Orleans and will be headed straight for us over the next couple of days. You would have to listen to the local forecasts to believe it, but it is obvious that it was prepared before the weekend, and they just continue to forecast blue skys, 100 degree days, and slight chance of afternoon pop-up thunderstorms, oblivious to the formation of the new storm this weekend and oblivious to the fact that it is raining now. Guess they are too cheap to call in the weatherman for the weekend. Unbelievable.


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