Somehow, the Mayor of Seabrook has seen fit to order a lockdown on the city. He will not allow property owners to return to the city, and should I leave the city, I will not be allowed to return, even if I walked on block beyond the city limits to get gas for my generator. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when I try to be self-sufficient - plenty of water, food, pet food, gas, generator, batteries, ice, etc. - and only encounter one obstacle - that being the Seabrook Police Department (as order by Robin Riley, Mayor). All the pointers about rapid recovery include taking action within 72 hours of the event, yet Seabrook continues to the locked down and property owners excluded. My friends who have dropped by just sneaked in around the roadblocks, so it's not like they could prevent looters from coming in, it's just the honest citizens who pay the price once again.
Since Saturday morning, I've seen high visibility police units running the roads with lights blazing, caravans of government owned SUV's parading around, and a large flock of helicopters of all makes and sizes touring the area - I have not seen a dump truck with a crew of workers with shovels and rakes cleaning the roadways. Not one government person has offered to help but neighbors that sneaked into their homes have offered to help.
Once again, all the government ballyhoo we've been hearing about is hot air. They are still "staging" days after the event. Then they will develop a recovery plan. Then they will implement it, if there is anything left to do. Government proves once again that it is not the solution - it is the problem. Get it out of the way, and this place could recover. Left the way it is, everything will just rot in place.
Other things that don't make sense:
Eliminate tolls on toll roads but tell people to stay off the streets.
Keep people posted as to where groceries and supplies are available, but refuse to allow return to home if you go outside to get them.
FEMA knows there is no power, offers an 800 number to call for registration, but the 800 number merely referrs you to the web site which cannot be accessed without power.
Insanity apparently knows no limits. All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and a few of the right kind of people.
All the people getting the help are the ones that are easy to get to. Those in most need, who are most difficult to get to, get nothing.
Labels: Government abuse